• Sweet Sipping

    What a thrill and honor to be part of Design*Sponge's Behind the Bar feature by Ryan and Alissa Walker (co-owners of the amazing online shop, HORNE...more on that front to come.)  We loved sharing a refreshing cocktail, especially using some of our favorite Kentucky ingredients, and hope you'll enjoy some back-deck, southern-inspired sipping, too.  Enjoy!  (See the full feature and recipe here!)

    Posted by Emily Maynard
  • Vintage and Modern


    Posted by Emily Maynard
  • Friends and Family: The Photographer Series


    We are thrilled to share our latest photographer feature with you--please meet Gillian Ellis, a gal who found and honed her incredible skills with a camera quite early thanks to her father, Pulitzer-prize nominated photographer Richard Ellis, with whom she now works. (Makes me have high hopes for my little ladies...how early is too early to start stringing beads?)  Together they document the moments that make up lives--and Gillian's coverage of weddings, celebrations, and people are equal parts beautiful, captivating, and insightful.  (Check out the Richard Eliis Photography website for additional proof of their stunning work.  Oh, and they have an amazing blog, too: here!) 

    Based in Charleston, South Carolina (truly one of our all-time favorite places) Gillian was introduced to us by a friend and customer who wore a fun Elva design in her engagement photos...and that's all it took for us to be fans.  Now that we know a bit more of the story--that on family vacations she and her father would compete for the best snapshot...and that she sold her first image on a stock website when she was just thirteen--we love her even more.  

    But truthfully, her photographs seal the deal for us.  Inspired by the sea (and trying not to be envious of her proximity to the beach) we asked Gillian to partake in a photo shoot with our green fluorite briolette earrings from the Summer Collection.  We couldn't be happier with her gorgeous interpretation of the jewels, and we can't wait for an on-site photo shoot with Gillian...someday!  Until then, enjoy these beauties, and thanks over and over again to Gillian for her talents.

    [all images courtesy Richard Ellis Photography/Gillian Ellis]

    Posted by Emily Maynard
  • Independence Day

    We're celebrating independence today--a unique vision, a determined spirit, a passion for life--and hope it's a day of happiness, pride, and purpose for you all.  In honor of all of these, we'd love for you to enjoy (a random and rare) 20% off site-wide TODAY ONLY by entering code INDIE4EF at checkout.  Happy Fourth of July and happy shopping!


    Posted by Emily Maynard
  • Friends and Family: The Photographer Series

    It all started in Paris. She had her camera in tow throughout all of Europe and--not surprisingly--has it along for the ride still today. Though we were mere college students studying abroad in the City of Lights, it was clear from the start that she'd go on to great things, taking pictures all the way, and now our dear amie Jacqueline Schlossman lives out her passion for photography, MFA (and camera) in hand, teaching photography and digital design classes all while creating and producing her own work professionally. 

    And what work it is! Jacqueline can capture objects and landscapes with such unique vision that she is able to transform the expected to the most interesting, complex, and beautiful.   We are in awe at her crystallization of the everyday and oft-overlooked beauty in this world.

    Her compositions have been featured in galleries galore, but her latest venture is a bit more personal and celebratory...and we're just as much in love with this project's concept as we are its stunning creations. Readyluck is the collaborative and creative result of Jacqueline and three photographer friends, armed with cameras to document--in the most wonderful way--life's most intimate and incredible moments.  (Note to all brides-to-be: you'll absolutely want to investigate the Readyluck team's portfolio...they are skilled and stylish beyond belief.)  


    All this in mind, it's no wonder we enlisted her help and incredible talent in capturing a few of our jewels on camera--and we couldn't be happier with her visual interpretation of Elva Fields.  Though we'll always have Paris, these images are pretty darn fabulous, too.  An enormous "Merci!" to Jacqueline...and hope you enjoy these beauties.


    Posted by Emily Maynard