Elva Fields Blog
WIYJB? - How it Works (In 12 Easy Steps!)

1. Find your jewelry box.

2. Open it—see what’s inside. (We’re betting there’s something great in there!)

3. Select a treasure or two that might be meaningful to you, but has perhaps gone long
unworn. (Maybe an old brooch of your great aunt’s or a handful of beads from an MIA
necklace that broke years ago; a buckle you found at a favorite flea market or a string of
costume pearls you just don’t wear much anymore…)

4. Order the WIYJB custom care box from the Elva Fields website.

5. Our custom care box will arrive at your door within 5 to 7 business days.

6. Pack your treasures carefully in our signature care packaging,

7. and send them to us from any authorized USPS location using our pre-paid shipping label.

8. Your treasures will arrive safe and sound in our studio, where the fun really begins.

9. In the meantime, begin brainstorming some ideas you might have for your treasures. Creating an inspiration board on Pinterest is always fun and helpful.

10. Back in the studio, we’ll begin sourcing materials especially for you, pairing your treasures with various beads and sending you our ideas via digital images and email.

11. Based on your feedback, we’ll create a proposal design (or two) using your selected treasure and materials.

12. Once we find the design you love, we’ll call it a win and send your finished creation to you, a one-of-a-kind heirloom to enjoy for years to come.
* Still have questions? Check out our WIYJB? FAQs to see if we have some answers!
* Ready to get the WIYJB party started? Order here.
I love this idea so much I am going to take advantage of it! However, my piece will be a real challenge because it’s very sentimental & also very unattractive. Get ready to put your magical thinking cap on, you’ll need it.
But seriously, this is a brilliant idea.