Elva Fields Blog
Leading Lady / March: Vané Broussard of Brooklyn Bride
Oh, how we wish this month's Leading Lady had started her beautiful bridal blog just four years earlier! The lovely and talented Vané Broussard founded Brooklyn Bride in April 2007, and countless brides-to-be scour her posts religiously for inspiration, ideas, advice, and vendors for their modern weddings. (In fact, happily married for the past eight years, we love browsing around Brooklyn Bride for our own visual stimulation now and then--from florals to gowns and cuisine to invites, she has it all covered.)
The overwhelming popularity of the blog--updated daily--is no doubt due to the exquisitely-honed taste of this interior-designer-by-day, blogger-by-night gal. You can imagine our thrill at partnering with Vané to create a one-of-a-kind necklace as our March Leading Lady! When she sent us this inspiration board:
we knew we were in for some fun. We LOVED the layers of gorgeous greens--and the fact that she included confetti AND fur in the mix let us know she had a sense of whimsy and delight to boot. We couldn't wait to get started. So...we sent her these images, pulling from our bead and vintage stashes in the studio:
and asked her if anything jumped out at her from either group. We also made a few pairing suggestions so she could see what might be possible from the various vintage items and green beads.
Vané could not have been cooler. She was incredibly laid-back and seemed to truly enjoy the experience, delighting in each design. In the end, we came up with two necklaces from which she could choose...and (so much nicer than we would ever be!) she asked her husband to choose with her. (Now if that doesn't prompt you to take wedding advice from someone, we don't know what would! She clearly has a beautiful marriage amidst all of those gorgeous weddings that make up her beautiful blog...and that is the best of all!)
The selected style? See below...we LOVE it on her and especially with her bold blue blouse pairing. (And a red lip? All around awesome.)
We did ask Vané a few questions after we completed our jewel...enjoy!
Emily Maynard/Elva Fields: As an interior designer, your approach to blogging is very visual--we could spend hours clicking through all of the amazing images on Brooklyn Bride!--do you approach fashion the same way? Do you see something and love it and know it will work as an outfit?
Vané Broussard/Brooklyn Bride: Absolutely! Especially when it comes to color...patterns are a little harder for me but I'm working on it!

very inspiring