Elva Fields Blog
What's In A Name
While we’re sure there are plenty of Emily Maynards on the planet…we’re partial to the ones who specialize in design (jewelry, interiors, fashion…) And, since the only other Emily Maynard we’ve ever officially met is also a sister-in-law, (two brothers married two Emilys) we love her even more!
She has quickly spread the Elva Fields word on the West Coast by wearing our jewelry all over L.A., and she has also made quite a name for herself by founding her own interior design firm earlier this year. George Interior Design handles both commercial and residential projects, and all are done spectacularly, professionally, and stylishly. The best part (besides how beautiful the results are) is that she and her team work with a wide range of budgets, so whether you’re hoping for an updated living room in your first apartment or a suite of offices for your new corporate headquarters—George Interior Design is up for the challenge.
We’re more than happy to share a name with such a talented designer—and we’ll definitely be enlisting GID when we update this Emily’s jewelry studio. One day. Soon, we hope.
George Interior Design by Emily Zoba Maynard