Sees the Beauty and Meaning
We consider ourselves blessed for getting to know all of our Elva-gals over the years, and although each one of you is unique, there is a common thread that binds you all - your ability to find the beauty and meaning in the little things of life. It is this theme that drives us to give new life to things that would often be overlooked by others, knowing you will appreciate their story and potential for beauty. Providing a perfectly lovely example, strands of African and Czech 'trade glass' comprised primarily of bone and stone would be a multi-colored mess to some, but to you (and us as well) it's a colorfully curated treasure. The variously bright shapes are given a glamorous makeover thanks to the vintage goldtone flower brooch at the side. The oversized bloom (measuring a statement making 3") is mirrored at the back by a gold vermeil hook. Measuring a longer 23.4" in length, this unexpected beauty gives new meaning to the phrase "one-of-a-kind."
As seen in Country Living magazine.